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 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die

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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 12:15


Charlotte Harlow Blackwood-James
oh i just can't get enough.

Mon personnage ? Que dire sur lui ? Je devrais peut-être commencer par dire que Charlotte , aussi surnommé(e) Chuck est née le premier février 1987 à Los Angeles ce qui fait de elle une Américaine, actuellement, elle est blogueuse et étudiante en langues.. Dans la vie, elle est on ne sait pas trop, entre bisexuelle et hétérosexuelle et est célibataire [par choix à cause de la malédiction]. Elle vit dans la jolie ville de Paradise depuis cinq mois et ses habitants la qualifient souvent de futile, douce, hypocrite, imprudente, râleuse, joviale, libertine, sociale, forte, drôle et maladroite. Il fait partie du groupe jeune et libre et le reste, vous l'apprendrez en lisant l'histoire de sa vie.

et sinon danslavraievie ?
Bonjour bande de petits curieux, si vous voulez tout savoir, les gens m'appellent Emilie ou BlackRoses., j'ai dix-sept ans ans et toutes mes dents. Puis comme Candice Accola est ma vie et qu'elle est parfaite, je l'ai choisie, c'est aussi simple que ça. YOUNG BUT MARRIED? Je l'ai connu grâce à Bazzart, notre dieu ! et c'est vraiment cool parce que ce forum est aussi simple que parfait c'est pour ça que je serais présent(e) sur le forum 5/7, pas mal hein ? Puis avant de partir, laissez moi vous dire : je dé-maudit cette ville parce que je suis dieu ? chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4153354820 . zoubi!

candice accola [color=#cd4a59]✿[/color] chuck blackwood-james

Dernière édition par Chuck Blackwood-James le Dim 8 Jan - 22:23, édité 8 fois
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 12:16

they don't know anything
Assise sur la chaise noire inconfortable d’une salle de restaurant luxueux, je passais le temps avec un martini. Enfin, « passer le temps » est un euphémisme. J’aurais préférais le déchiqueter, le bruler, le tuer ! A coup de machette pourquoi pas ! Malheureusement, je n’avais qu’une olive fripée, enrobée d’alcool, pour m’occuper. Le discours de mon père était d’un ennui mortel. Pourtant, tous les visages étaient tournée vers lui avec admiration. C’était lui, la star ce soir. Lui sur qui toutes les caméras se braquaient, lui sur qui tout les regards se tournaient. Lui et seulement lui. Moi, je n’étais là que pour la décoration. J’étais là pour l’image. Celle d’une famille unie, qu’on aimait adorer et envier. Famille parfaite. Vous savez, deux parents qui s’aiment, deux enfants, une fille et un garçon qui se chamaillent, mais s’adore bien sûr. En tout cas, c’est ce qui est écrit sur papier glacé. Je rigolai et laissai échapper un rictus en songeant aux gros titres du lendemain. « La famille parfaite », « Le héros des enfants », « L’amour familial à l’épreuve de l’amour international ». C’était sans cesse du sensationnel, de l’extrême. Et à chaque fois illusions, paillettes et rêve. Oh mon père avait bien sûr des allures de saints, dans son complet noir et blanc, avec ses chaussures vernies, ses cheveux gominés. Oui, il ressemblait à l’homme parfait. Un peu un George Clooney humanitaire. Je ne dirais pas où allait les cinq millions de dollars qu’il venait de toucher à cet énième congrès, cela en effraierait plus d’un. Mais ils n’allaient certainement pas aux mairies de pauvres bidons villes d’Afrique. Pas dans leur intégralité en tout cas. Peut-être cinq cent milles dollars, ou bien un million. Pas plus. C'était dérisoire au vu de la somme initiale ! Rendez-vous compte ? Même pas la moitié ! Oh ! Bien sûr j'aurais put dire tout ça à la presse. Vous savez, « les révélations chocs de la fille BLackwood ! » Rien de moins. Mais si mon père avait besoin de moi, moi, je n'étais rien sans lui. Mon portable vibra sur la table. Les invités attablés autour de moi - tous des trentenaires dégarnis et vieillissant - froncèrent les sourcils, tentèrent d'ignorer le dérangement occasionné. Encore une SMS de Neena. Ca n'allait pas. J'étais mal. Mal pour elle. C'était ma meilleure amie et sans elle, je n'étais rien. C'était simple, c'était mon oxygène. C'était le sentiment d'exister auprès de quelqu'un. Le sentiment de valoir autre chose qu'un simple cadre. J'écrivais. « Ma douce, pense juste au bon bain qu'on pourrait prendre toutes les deux d'ici quelques jours, quand je serais de retour. Tu me manque. Je t'aime. » Mes mots vous choquent ? Vous vous demandez ce qu'il y a entre elle et moi ? C'est mon amie, c'est tout. La meilleure. Pourtant on en a parlé des tas et des tas de fois. Elle m'aime et je ne suis pas intéressée. Mais on restait très proches. C'était comme ça. Je n'arrivais pas à me détacher d'elle. On ne se rend jamais compte du mal qu'on fait avec de simples mots en fait. Je ne m'en suis jamais rendu compte non plus, de la douleur que je pouvais provoquer en elle à cet instant précis. Mais que voulais-vous, j'ai mes problèmes aussi. « J'aimerais remercier tout particulièrement la personne qui me soutient et dont je suis le plus fière. Elle est ma chaire et mon sang ... » Mon cœur s'arrête, tressaute, passe la quatrième, s'emballe soudain. J'ai l'espoir soudain mais fugace que c'est mon nom qui va s'échapper d'entre ses lèvres. Mais je suis bête. « Kieran ! Mon fils ! » Kieran, fils prodige, fils parfait. Beau, intelligent, travailleur. Il ressemble à mon père. Il a le même charisme, la même prestance. Il a tout ce qui fait qu'il sera mieux, qu'il ne sera pas seulement exposé, il suivra mon père, il marchera sur ses traces, deviendra son bras droit. Et moi, derrière, je continuerait d'être l'image parfaite. Une image. Voilà ce que je suis. L'image glacée d'une vie aux allures parfaites. Et pourtant, vous savez toujours comment c'est, non, de l'autre côté ? Plus sombre. Ma mère absente, partie à l'autre bout des Etats-Unis, loin de mon père et de sa richesse surfaite. Oh bien sûr, elle tient à nous, à ses enfants chéris, mais c'est toujours le même refrain : « Chuck, prends soin de ton frère surtout ! » Je me contente de sourire en pensant à ce qu'il me fait, des fois. A ses mains qui se baladent parfois trop. Mais je ne peux pas en parler. Je n'ai pas le droit. Alors je me tais, me contente de le repousser. Il n'y en aura toujours que pour lui tant que je serais ici. C'est comme ça. Je n'y peux rien. Je me contentais alors de boire la flute de champagne qu'on venait de poser sur la table d'un trait.

they don't know anything
Je n'avais jamais rien contemplé de ma vie qui fasse aussi mal. Il se tenait là, dans son entière beauté, et il me souriait, et je l'aimais. Le problème dans cette histoire c'est qu'il m'avait aimé. Notez la nuance, c'est elle qui est importante. Car aujourd'hui, il n'y a plus rien. Plus rien pour lui, du moins. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il s'est passé, je ne sais pas comment cela s'est produit. Un jour on s'aimait, le lendemain, il me quittait. Ces paroles étaient douce. Il avait l'air de savoir ce qu'il faisait. J'avais l'impression qu'il disait simplement adieu à une amie. Mais j'étais plus que ça. « tu sais, je t'aime tellement Chuck.» « Tu m'aime, mais tu me quitte ? Explique moi Ezekiel, parce que je suis perdue, je ne comprends pas !.» « Je ... je sais pas, je l'aime elle, c'est ... différent. Je sais pas. Je n'ai jamais voulu te blesser !» Je réprimais un rire nerveux. J'essayais de rester calme, de ne pas m'emporter, de rester placide, distante, comme s'il n'était rien. Mais je n'y arrivais pas. Je ne pouvais pas. Je l'aimais plus que tout, plus que ma propre vie ! Il avait été là pour moi. Il savait pour mon frère. Il avait compris, et il m'avait recueillit quand j'allais au plus mal . Alors pourquoi e quittait-il maintenant ? Pourquoi si soudainement ? Je laissais les larmes dévaster mon visage, emportant tout sur leur passage. On dit que les larmes du dedans rongent et que celle de dehors soulage. Je ne me sentais pas mieux. Je n'allais pas bien. Même alors qu'il était partit. Un mois. Nous avions à peine eu un mois d'amour simple et idyllique. Juste le temps de s'effleurer les lèvres, de se souffler des mots d'amour et déjà il me file entre les doigts. Pour une autre. Je ne la connais pas. Je ne sais pas qui elle est, mais je sais une chose, si je pouvais, je la maudirais d'ainsi me voler mon paradis. Ezekiel était cela. Un paradis aussi brulant que l'enfer. Ça avait été chaotique. Ca n'aurait put être autrement, je veux dire, c'était le meilleur ami de mon frère tout de même. Il avait entendue tellement d'horreur sur moi, sortis tout droit de la bouche de mon cadet. C'était comme ça. Les gens le croyaient lui, le surdoué. Alors Ezekiel m'avait détesté. Il m'avait haï au point que je le haïssait tout autant. Et de la était née la force d'un amour méconnu. Oui, on dirait du Shakespeare et ça en avait bel et bien le goût. Car soyons franc, qui aurait voulu que nous soyons ensemble ? Personne ! Mais nous nous étions battu ! Et j'étais venue ici avec lui ! Seulement lui. Il n'y avait jamais eu que lui. Et maintenant, il me tournait le dos, s’apprêtant à partir. Je ne le voulais pas. Je voulais qu'il reste et qu'il me serre encore et toujours. « Dis moi que tu ne m'aime plu ! Dis moi que tu ne m'a jamais aimé. Haïs moi plus que tout au monde pour que je puisse t'oublier ! Mais dis le moi dans les yeux. Je veux te l'entendre dire : je ne t'aime plus. Dis le moi» je n'avais même plus conscience que mes mots étaient des cris. Il se retourna lentement, plongea son regard dans le mien. C'était intense et j'attendais ses mots pour qu'ils me transpercent le cœur une bonne fois pour toute.« Je ... » sa phrase resta suspendue, il hésitait. Et déjà, la voiture dehors, qui klaxonnait. « Zekiel ! dépeches toi ! !» De la où j'étais je ne voyais rien. C'était une voix féminine tout ce qu'il y a de plus normale, bien que ses intonations me rappellent vaguement quelque chose. Mais j'étais tout focalisé sur lui. Lui aussi. Mais il ne dis rien. Il partit. Il partit sans ne m'avoir jamais rien dit par rapport à ses sentiments pour moi. Il ne m'avait jamais dit qu'il ne m'aimait pas, ce soir là. Je crois que j'avais le cœur brisé.

Dernière édition par Chuck Blackwood-James le Dim 8 Jan - 22:20, édité 23 fois
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D. Adam Chamberlain
dashing gorgeous irresistible
D. Adam Chamberlain
➽ emploi : Architecte
➽ discours : 110

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 12:19

Candice chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 701049760 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 701049760
Bienvenue parmi nous chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3666372071 & bon courage pour ta fichette chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858
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Tianna-Lee B. Reynolds
Ҩ she has found her neverland
Tianna-Lee B. Reynolds
➽ emploi : wannabe actress
➽ statut : coeur libre mais pas à prendre.
➽ discours : 206

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 12:20

    CANDICHOU + TON PSEIDO = MAMAAAAAA! Je meurs!!! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4205929361

    Réserve moi un ptit lien, parce que c'est obligé! Je l'ai décrété! ange Non plus sérieusement: bon courage pour ta fichet et surtout: BIENVENDUE à l'asile de fous ici! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 514886138 Et piiiis: si tu as le moindre soucis: le staff est l ta disposition. :chair: :mykah: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858
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Neena-Jack Hitt
Neena-Jack Hitt
➽ emploi : journaliste improvisée.
➽ discours : 44

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 12:21

Oh Candice, moi qui voulais en faire un scénario chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4205929361
Anyway, si tu n'as pas une histoire totalement faite et que tu veux bien m'écouter, je suis ta femme (a) Bienvenue parmi nous en tout cas, et je me trompe si je dis que c'est lollipop, enfin ma meilleure amie trop sesky en naya/amber ? chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 12:56

GRAHOU ! IAN + NINA+PHOEBE chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 Very Happy
comment j'aime ces accueils !
Chlochlo, avec plaisir pour le lien, ça ne se refuse pas chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3477231806 (je serais une folle de refuser en faite ! )
Neena, non, j'ai pas d'idée définitive sur l'histoire de Chuck alors je suis à ton entière écoute chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288
par contre, je suis pas Lollipop Rolling Eyes (mais e veux bien etre ta trop sexy avec candice chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4111112379 )
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Neena-Jack Hitt
Neena-Jack Hitt
➽ emploi : journaliste improvisée.
➽ discours : 44

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 13:00

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288
Oh autant pour moi alors (a) Je t'aime quand même chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4153354820 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4205929361
Je te MPotte alors chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3602446099 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 13:02

T'as intérêt à m'aimer quand même chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 (sinon je te fouette chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2618002941 )
J'attends ton MP alors chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3338097928
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Neena-Jack Hitt
Neena-Jack Hitt
➽ emploi : journaliste improvisée.
➽ discours : 44

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 13:03

Oh le fouet, j'aime ça aussi chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4153354820 bounce
Héhé, c'est envoyé chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 701049760
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P. Cléa-Pryskä Pillsbury
P. Cléa-Pryskä Pillsbury
➽ emploi : interne en chirurgie cardiaque.
➽ discours : 131

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 13:37

  • CANDICE, MA DOUCE CANDICE = LA VIE Laughing *out* chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1923668142 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1923668142 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1923668142 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319

    Bienvenue à toi ma belle chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759
    Si tu as des questions, le staff est la pour toi chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1001256540

    Et bonne chance pour ta fiche chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2339336766

    chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 146273495chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2806208791 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4047889595 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 650269930 I love you chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839924927 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 685685214 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3259309933 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 670437854 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2457648604 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4047889595 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 704080218 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 514886138 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839924927 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2774444739 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839610308 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2970661624 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 youpi chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4153354820 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 701049760 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 704080218 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3259309933 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2457648604 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 670437854 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 258685221 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3259309933 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3338097928 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3338097928 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2970661624 I love you chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 146273495chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2806208791 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4047889595 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 650269930 I love you chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839924927 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 685685214 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3259309933 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 670437854 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2457648604 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4047889595 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 704080218
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 14:02

Je me sens aimée chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 Oh ouiiii aimez moi avec vos avatars orgasmiquement parfait ! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3338097928
Et wouha ! l'avalanche de smiley chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858 Very Happy chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3477231806 bounce chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839610308 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2965971428 :mykah: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1724773980 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3214623993 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1473895523 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1473895523 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 704080218 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3934173874 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3817709046 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 685685214 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3259309933 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2698908354 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 tape la! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3828426745 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2457648604 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 146273495 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 258685221 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2806208791 albino chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4047889595 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2006429247 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3957217271 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3040868389 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2618002941 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1167556347 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839924927 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 514886138 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3920004554 (ouiii moi aussi je sais fire ange )
Mercii beaucoup ma belle (a)
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V. Presley Morris
V. Presley Morris
➽ emploi : étudiante en stylisme.
➽ discours : 66

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 14:04

    oh CANDICE ACCOLA chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 bienvenue Laughing chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4153354820 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4205929361
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 14:36

GRONGRON chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288
Mercii !
au fait, pourrait-on me réserver Candice, je voudrais pas qu'elle me file sous le nez ange
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P. Cléa-Pryskä Pillsbury
P. Cléa-Pryskä Pillsbury
➽ emploi : interne en chirurgie cardiaque.
➽ discours : 131

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 14:46

bwahah, t'es la vie de savoir faire des orgies de smileys chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319
Je te la réserve pour quatre jours I love you
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Noam J. Fitzpatrick
Noam J. Fitzpatrick
➽ emploi : Braqueur
➽ discours : 35

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 14:59

GOSHHHHH !!! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4205929361 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839610308 !!
Bienvenue jolie demoiselle !!
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S. Joey Montgomerry
S. Joey Montgomerry
➽ emploi : animatrice radio
➽ statut : en couple
➽ discours : 210

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 15:53

BIENVENUE PARMI NOUS ET BONNE CHANCE POUR TA FICHE MON PTIT CHOU chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1966470566
chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3950906858 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2552583319 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3459744514 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1966470566 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288 Very Happy ange chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 650269930 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3477231806 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2497788759 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1001256540 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1265002121 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3338097928 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4205929361 bounce chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2970661624 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3669069390 Laughing chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1923668142 youpi I love you chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2774444739 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2339336766 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839610308 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4208031510 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2424640494 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3214623993 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1724773980 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4067425871 :chair: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2965971428 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2849033048 :mykah: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 701049760 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 704080218 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2725726290 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 899257193 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2879826066 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1473895523 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3817709046 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 366781642 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3910324452 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3674363614 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1881463262 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2569911698 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3666372071 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 436169246 Shocked Wink Exclamation zen chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4215587066 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2698908354 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 929204898 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 685685214 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3767986265 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3259309933 tape la! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3606463052 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3828426745 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 146273495 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4202488516 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2457648604 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 670437854 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 258685221 albino chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 4047889595 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2806208791 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2006429247 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3174558687 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3957217271 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3040868389 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 2618002941 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3176016005 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1827287321 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1167556347 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3813056848 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1003453391 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839924927 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3242198613 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 583886846 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 514886138 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3920004554 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3915845447
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Sofia Q. Grayson
Sofia Q. Grayson
➽ discours : 51

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 16:12

Bienvenue I love you
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 20:49

GASPARD chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3477231806
tu me garde un bon lien au chaud, toi Wink

Suttonounette, oh ouiiii, tu vas voir, je vais colorer votre forum avec plein de smiley chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3459744514 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1966470566 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 650269930

Coleen, mamamia AMBER vous allez me tuer avec vos avatars orgasmiques chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1839610308 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1724773980 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1473895523

Sofia, Freya !!!!!! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 436169246
mercii beaucoup !
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Jyllie-Skye E. Callaghan
take me back to the start
Jyllie-Skye E. Callaghan
➽ emploi : étudiante en ortho
➽ statut : célibataire et ne veut pas s'attacher, de peur de souffrir par la suite, à cause de sa maladie.
➽ discours : 198

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 22:51

    Ma pauvre! Sad C'est trop triste! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1129897379

    J'ai adoré ton histoire! Je te charlyde avec plaisir! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 514886138

    Bon jeux! chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3666372071
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Chuck Blackwood-James
Chuck Blackwood-James
➽ discours : 26

chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die EmptyDim 8 Jan - 22:55

Roh miciii beaucoup chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 1966470566 chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die 3537901288
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chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty
MessageSujet: Re: chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die   chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die Empty

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chuck ✿ you and i, we were born to die

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and a time of magic